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Welcome to the My Maritime Career Candidate Dashboard

The My Maritime Career dashboard is here to make taking the next step in your maritime apprenticeship or career as simple as possible.

Our platform has everything you need to get started or continue your application for maritime opportunities based on your experience, skills, and interests.

For best results, use a desktop or laptop computer. Once your application is completed, it cannot be edited. If you make a mistake, you will need to contact us for support. Do not create a new account with a different email address or delete your current account. 

Have all your documents ready to go before you start!

At a minimum you will need:

  • Headshot Photo
  • Personal Essay
  • Two (2) Letters of Recommendation

If you have a Passport, TWIC or MMC ID:

  • ID Number and Expiration Date

If you are current or former military or have Sea Experience you will need to upload a copy of your credentials;

  • DD-214
  • US Coast Guard Discharge 
  • Company Letters
  • History of Assignments
  • Transcript of Sea Services 


If you are an entry-level mariner, consider the Apprentice Program to learn valuable skills from every position on a ship. Complete the application today.



Discover a variety of tasks and roles within our three main departments: the deck, engine, and steward sectors. Complete your Career Application for consideration.

Getting Started

This platform is designed so you can enter information at your own pace. Collect your personal details, start the application, save, and return to complete it later. But don’t wait too long. Your Maritime Future Awaits!